Lakshmi is the goddess of beauty, wealth and good fortune in the
Hindu Mythology. Goddess Lakshmi is one of the most popular goddesses among the
Hindus. Maha Lakshmi is the divine consort of Lord Vishnu and assists him with
wealth for the maintenance of the universe. Lakshmi fulfills all the wishes of
her sincere devotees. Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped to attain wealth, beauty and
good luck. A special worship of Goddess Lakshmi is sought on the night of Kartik
Amavasya. Lakshmi Devi is known by many names. Chanting of different names of
the goddess is considered as propitious. This list contains 108 names of Goddess
Lakshmi with their meanings:
- Prakruti - Natural World
- Vikruti - Many-Sided Nature
- Vidya - Knowledge
- Sarvabhootahitaprada - Provider of Universal Facts
- Shraddha - Devotion
- Vibhuti - Prosperity
- Surabhi - Celestial Creature
- Paramatmika - Omnipresent
- Vachi - Eloquent Speaker
- Padmalaya - Sitting on the Lotus
Padma - Lotus
- Shuchi - Personification of Purity
- Swaha - Shape of Swahadevi (Auspicious)
- Swadha - Shape of Swadhadevi (Inauspicious)
- Sudha - Amrut (Nectar)
- Dhanya - Embodiment of Gratitude
- Hiranmayi - Golden Appearance of Hirana (Dear)
Lakshmi - Goddess of Wealth and Fortune
NityaPushta - Gaining Strength Day By Day
Vibha - Radiant
- Aditi - Bright like the Sun
- Deetya - One who Answers the Prayers
- Deepta - Flame-Like
- Vasudha - The Earth
- Vasudharini - Bearing burden of the Earth
- Kamala - Lotus
- Kantha - The Divine Consort of Vishnu
- Kamakshi - One with Attractive Eyes
- Kamalasambhava - Originating from the Lotus
- Anugrahaprada - Granter of Good Wishes
- Buddhi - Intelligence
- Anagha - The Sinless
- Navadurga - All Nine Forms of Durga
- Harivallabhi - The Devine Consort of Lord Hari
- Ashoka - Dispeller of Sorrows
- Amrutha - One who is like Amrut (Nectar)
- Deepa - With Radiance
- Lakashokavinashini - Remover of Universal Agonies
- Dharmanilaya - Creator of Eternal Law
- Karuna - Kindhearted
- Lokamatri - Mother of the Universe
- Padmapriya - The Lover of Lotus
- Padmahasta - Having Lotus-Like Hands
- Padmakshya - Lotus-eyed
- Padmasundari - Beautiful Like the Lotus
- Padmodbhava - One Who Emerged Out of the Lotus
- Padmamukhi - Lotus-Faced
- Padmanabhapriya - Beloved of Padmanabha
- Ramaa - Pleaser of the Lord
- Padmamaladhara - The Wearer of Lotus Garland
- Devi - The Goddess
- Padmini - Lotus
- Padmagandhini - Having the Aroma of Lotus
- Punyagandha - Having Divine Scent
- Suprasanna - Ever Glowing and Smiling
- Prasadabhimukhi - Emerging to Grant Boons
- Prabha - One who is Radiant like the Sun
- Chandravadana - Having Moon like Face
- Chanda - One who is cool like the Moon
- Chandrasahodari - Sister of the Moon
- Chaturbhuja - One having four arms
- Chandrarupa - Moon-Faced
- Indira - Radiant like the Sun
- Indusheetala - One who is cool like the Moon
- Ahladajanani - Source of Joy
- Pushti - Healthy
- Shiva - The Auspicious One
- Shivakari - Source of all auspicious things
- Satya - The Truthful
- Vimala - Pure, Chaste
- Vishwajanani - Mother of the Universe
- Pushti Possesses - All Wealth
- Daridriyanashini - One who removes poverty
- Preeta Pushkarini - One with lovely eyes
- Shanta - Peaceful
- Shuklamalambara - Wearer of White Garland
- Bhaskari - Radiant like the Sun
- Bilvanilaya - One who lives under Bilva tree
- Vararoha - Ready to Offer Boons
- Yashaswini - The Famous
- Vasundhara - Daughter of the Earth
- Udaranga - Endowed with a Beautiful Body
- Harini - Beautiful like Deer
- Hemamalini - Having Golden Garlands
- Dhanadhanyaki - Bestower of Wealth and Food grains
- Siddhi - Ever Ready to Protect
- Straina - Soumya Showering Goodness on Women
- Shubhaprada - Granter of Auspicious Things
- Nrupaveshvagathananda - Loves to Live in Palaces
- Varalakshmi - Granter of Bounty
- Vasuprada - Bestower of Wealth
- Shubha - One who is auspicious
- Hiranyapraka - Amidst Gold
- Samudratanaya - Beloved Daughter of the Ocean of Milk
- Jaya - The Goddess of Victory
- Mangala - Most Auspicious
- Devi - The Goddess
- Vishnuvakshah - Residing in Vishnu's Chest
- Vishnupatni - The Consort of Vishnu
- Prasannakshi - With graceful eyes
- Narayana - Samashrita One who sought Refuge in Narayana
- Daridriya - Dhwamsini Destroyer of Poverty
- Devi - The Goddess
- Sarvapadravanivarini - Dispeller of all Distresses
- Mahakali - A Form of Kali
- Brahma-Vishnu-Shivatmika - Trinity of Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva
- Trikala-dnyanasampanna - Aware of all, the Past, Present and Future
- Bhuvaneshwarya - The Supreme Deity
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