Durga ji

Durga, in Sanskrit means "She who is incomprehensible or difficult to reach." Goddess Durga is a form of Sakti worshiped for her gracious as well as terrifying aspect. Mother of the Universe, she represents the infinite power of the universe and is a symbol of a female dynamism. The manifestation of Goddess Durga is said to emerge from Her formless essence and the two are inseparable.

108 Names of Hanuman Ji

Lord Hanuman is the epitome of devotion and dedication towards his Lord Rama. Shri Hanuman is considered as the avatar or incarnation of Lord Shiva. Hanuman is also known as the Monkey God,

vishu ji

Vishnu is one of the three main gods in Hinduism. Vaishnavas believe that Vishnu is the highest God. Vishnu is the preserver god, which means he protects the earth from being destroyed and keeps it going, according to this religion, and he has come to earth in nine forms (called avatars) so far, with one yet to come. His most famous forms are Rama and Krishna. Vishnu’s wife is Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of fortune.Vishnu is usually shown with light blue skin and four arms.

Shri krishna the person

The Vedas say Krishna is the original person, but that He always appears young and attractive. He knows everything, He contains all of reality, and all other living beings are His inseparable parts. He is the all-powerful, supreme controller of all energies.

bhagwat geet updesh

Gita made little religious impact until Shankaracharya's commentary appeared. From this time onward, it had an important influence on Hinduism. Krishna, presented in the poem as Vishnu in the flesh, is the spiritual teacher who recited the Gita. The Bhagvad-Gita consists of a dialogue between Krishna and Arjun on the battlefield of Kurukshetra.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Sukhkarta Dukhharta ( Ganesh Aarti )

सुखकरता  दुखहर्ता
वार्ता  विघ्नाची
नूर्वी  पूर्वी  प्रेम  कृपया  जयाची
सर्वांगी  सुन्दर  उतिशेंदु  रची
कंठी  झलके  माद  मुखता  पधांची 

जय देव जय देव
जय मंगल मूर्ती
दर्शन  मरते  मान  कमाना  पूर्ति
जय देव जय देव
रत्ना  खाचिकता  परा

सुखकरता  दुखहर्ता
वार्ता  विघ्नाची
नूर्वी  पूर्वी  प्रेम  कृपया  जयाची
सर्वांगी  सुन्दर  उतिशेंदु  रची
कंठी  झलके  माद  मुखता  पधांची 

जय देव जय देव
जय मंगल मूर्ती
दर्शन  मरते  मान  कमाना  पूर्ति
जय देव जय देव
रत्ना  खाचिकता  परा
रत्नखचित  फार  तुझ  गौरीकुमरा
चंदनाची  उती  कुमकुम  के  सहारा 
हीरे  जड़ीटी  मुकुट  शोभतो बारा
रुनझुनाती  नूपुरे  चरनी  घागरिया

जय देव जय देव
जय मंगल मूर्ती
दर्शन  मरते  मान  कमाना  पूर्ति
जय देव जय देव

लम्बोदर  पीताम्बर  फनिवर  वंदना
सरल  सोंड  वक्रतुंडा  त्रिनयना 
दस  रामाचा  वाट  पाहे  सदना
संकटी  पावावे  निर्वाणी  रक्षावे  सुरवर  वंदना 

जय देव जय देव
जय मंगल मूर्ती
दर्शन  मरते  मान  कमाना  पूर्ति
जय देव जय देव

शेंदुर  लाल  चढायो  अच्छा  गजमुख  को
दोंदिल  लाल  बिराजे  सूत  गौरिहार  को
हाथ  लिए  गुड  लड्डू  साई  सुखर  को
महिमा  कहे  न  जाय  लागत  हूँ  पद  को 
जय जय जय जय जय
जय जय जी गणराज विद्यासुखादाता
धन्य तुम्हारो दर्शन मेरा मत रमता
जय देव जय देव

आस्था सीधी दासी संकट को बैरी
विघन विनाशन मंगल मूरत अधिकारी
कोटि सूरज प्रकाश ऐसे चाबी तेरी
गंडस्थल मद्मस्तक झूल शशि बहरी

जय जय जय जय जय
जय जय जी गणराज विद्यासुखादाता
धन्य तुम्हारो दर्शन मेरा मत रमता
जय देव जय देव

भावाभागत से कोई शरणागत आवे
संतति संपत्ति सबही भरपूर पावे
ऐसे तुम महाराज मोको अति भावे
गोसावीनंदन निशिदिन गुण गावे
जय जय जय जय जय
जय जय जी गणराज विद्यासुखादाता
धन्य  तुम्हारो  दर्शन  मेरा  मत  रमता
जय देव जय देव

Are We A Match?

One of the major reasons people check their horoscopes is matchmaking.  After all, if personality is clearly laid out by a person’s sign, then it should be pretty easy to tell whether or not that person is going to be compatible.

It’s not as simple as that, of course.  Other factors in a person’s horoscope can influence those basic rules, or even counter them entirely.  Just because a person falls within a sign does not mean they’re going to be a perfect match for the general depiction of that sign.    Still, it’s fun and interesting to check for compatibility through a horoscope.

As a general rule, your “perfect match” is likely to be at the opposite side of the Zodiac from you.  That is, Aries with Libra, Taurus with Scorpio, Cancer with Capricorn, Leo with Aquarius, Virgo with Pisces, Sagittarius with Gemini.  Those signs opposing each other across the Zodiac tend to balance out, supporting each other’s strengths and countering each other’s weaknesses—provided, of course, that the personality differences can be smoothed over.

As an example, Cancer has a very strong “family instinct.”  Cancers want to have a strong and secure home life.  This mindset is likely to drive away several other signs, like dominant Aries or travel-oriented Sagittarius.  Capricorn, however, has a similar attitude towards home and in general, the two would get along just fine…provided, of course, the Cancer could learn to cope with the Capricorn’s penchant for gloom and depression.

The signs that definitely do not get along are the ones that have a core difference.  Sagittarius is known for traveling, and would drive the home-focused Cancer to distraction.  Detail-oriented and critical Virgo would grate on the nerves of self-centered and bossy Aries.  And bright and cheerful Libra would never be able to handle a life darkened by shady, mysterious Scorpio.

Ekadasi Vrat, Type & its Methods

Meaning of Ekadasi:

Every month of the Hindu calendar has two auspicious days of Ekadasi. It falls on the eleventh day of the fortnight of the lunar cycle. The first Ekadasi occurs when the moon is closest to the earth and the second Ekadasi occurs when the moon is farthest from the earth. The Ekadasi days are also indicators of the high and low tides of the sea. There are 24 Ekadasis in a year and each Ekadasi has a unique name. Ekadasi is observed as a day of fasting and devotion.

Benefits of Ekadasi fasting:

• It brings the blessings of Lord Vishnu.
• It liberates one from the cycle of birth and death.
• It gives one freedom from the sins of the past.
• It fulfills the wishes of health, wealth and happiness.
• It enhances the physiological functions of the body.
• It helps in flushing out the toxins from the body.
• It helps to strengthen one’s self-control.
• It improves one’s emotional stability.

Methods of Ekadasi Fasting:
• Complete fasting involves total abstinence from food and water for 24 hours.
• Partial fasting involves consumption of fruits and milk and the avoidance of rice and grains.
• People with health problems can opt for partial fasting after consulting with their doctors.
• Some people take only a single meal on the Dasami day, the day before Ekadasi.

The 24 different Ekadasis

Mythological Significance of Ekadasi: It is believed that Ekadasi is the name of the Goddess that arose from Lord Vishnu to defeat Demon Mura. Happy with her divine act, Lord Vishnu blessed her that anyone who
observes Ekadasi fast will be freed of their sins and will attain Moksha.

The 24 different Ekadasis:

1. Putrada Ekadasi:
There is a popular belief that married couples without children will be blessed with children if they observe Putrada Ekadasi.

2. Shatilla Ekadasi:
On this day, Til (sesame) is used in six ways. It is used in Ubtan, bathing, performing Havans, Tarpan, meal and donations.

3. Jaya Ekadasi:
The greatness of this Ekadasi was narrated to Yudhishtira by Sri Krishna and is found in the Padma Purana and the Bhavisyothara Purana.

4. Vijaya Ekadasi:
The major belief behind practicing this ritual is the observance of a vrat by Lord Ram before he headed towards crossing the ocean to reach Lanka and defeating Ravana.

5. Amalki Ekadasi:
Dedicated to Amlaki or Gooseberry Tree, observance of this Ekadasi is believed to bring in great prosperity and benefits.

6. Papamochini Ekadasi:
Observing a vrat on this day is highly significant as a sincere devotee can get rid of all his sins committed so far.

7. Kamda Ekadasi:
A fast on this day will assist in getting rid of all sins and guilt that are a result of lust.

8. Varuthini Ekadasi:
The vrat is a step towards a fortunate phase of life.

9. Mohini Ekadasi:
Eliminates all sins and helps in leading a happy and prosperous life. Also, a person undergoing sadness is effectively able to overcome this sickness.

10. Apara Ekadasi:
This vrat would help in eliminating their sins and henceforth, would finally assist them in attaining Moksha, or salvation.

11. Nirjala Ekadasi:
It is the strictest fast among all the Ekadashis in the Hindu religion as one cannot even drink water while observing it.

12. Yogini Ekadasi:
It is the most significant Ekadashi fast in order to get rid of various ailments and diseases.

13. Devshayani Ekadasi:
It is believed that Lord Vishnu went into a deep sleep for the next four months beginning  from this day.

14. Kamika Ekadasi:
This vrat is considered highly significant and auspicious for performing good deeds and seeking blessings of the Lord.

15. Aja Ekadasi:
This vrat eradicates all sinful and evil activities.

16. Parivartan Ekadasi:
On this Ekadasi day Lord Vishnu who reclines on Aadishesha turns to another side and this turn is called as Parivarthan.

17. Indira Ekadasi:
It is believed that observing this Ekadasi will help in removing the sins committed by oneself and one’s forefathers.

18. Pasankusa Ekadasi:
One will be able to fulfill his dreams and observing it is equal to performing numerous yajnas and making several offerings.

19. Rama Ekadasi:
Sins and evil deeds can be washed away by observing a vrat on this day.

20. Prabhodini Ekadasi:
The Hindu devotees believe that Lord Vishnu woke up from his Yoga Nidra (cosmic sleep) on this day.

21. Utpanna Ekadasi:
One can enjoy all kinds of comforts and gets the shelter of Lord Vishnu, after death.

22. Mokshada Ekadasi:
helps in attaining Moksha, or liberation.

23. Saphala Ekadasi:
Sins of many generations of a person are removed by observing the fast of Saphala Ekadasi.

24. Haribobhini (Devotthani) Ekadasi.

12 names of Lord Ganesha in Hindi


1. सुमुख
2. एकदंता
3. कपिला
4. गजकर्णका
5. लम्बोदर
6. विकता
7. विघ्नानाषा
8. गणाधिपा
9. धूम्रकेतु
10. गणाध्यक्षा
11. भालचंद्र
12. गजानना

No obstacles will come in the way of one who reads or listens to these 12 names of Lord Ganesha at the beginning of education, at the time of marriage, while entering or exiting anything, during a battle or calamity.

Friday, May 25, 2012

All about Aquarius

Aquarius Were you born under the sign of Aquarius. What a compassionate and generous person you are. And did you know that there really is an Age of Aquarius. It wasn’t just a songwriter’s concept in the musical, Hair. Just as there are individual zodiac signs, so are the eras of human history divided into 2000-year segments of what’s called the Great Year. We just left the age of Pisces, which began at the
beginning of the Christian era until the year 2000. It was a time marked by fluid changes in politics and governments. Pisces, of course, is the sign of the Fish, the symbol of Christianity.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Falguni Pathak - Krishna Vandan Vol. 2


01 Radhe Radhe (Dhun)
02 Krishna Govind
03 Aavo Shree Vallabh
04 Radhika Gori
05 Vitthala (Dhun)
06 Manno Muraliyo
07 Makhan Khai Gayo
08 Kanha Pichkari (Rasiya)
09 Nand Ke Dwar (Rasiya)


Falguni Pathak - Krishna Vandan Vol. 1


01 Govind Jai Jai
02 Mithe Ras Se
03 Krishna Govind
04 Shree Govardhan Maharaj
05 Radhe Radhe Govind Gopal Radhe
06 Tero toh aadhar
07 Radha Duhnd Rahi Kisene Mera Shyam Dekha


Shri Rameshbhai Ojha - Shiv Mala Vol 1

04-Shri Shivmanaspooja
08-Mantra Pushpanjali


Hariharan - Shree Hanuman Chalisa

01 - Shree Hanuman Chalisa
02 - Sankatmochan Hanuman Ashtak
03 - Bajarang Baan
04 - Shree Hanunam Stavan
05 - He Bajrangbali Hanuman
06 - Jai Jai Hanuman Gusain
07 - Mangalmooti Maruti Nandan
08 - Pawansut Vinti Barambar
09 - Shree Hanuman Vandana
10 - Shree Hanuman Ji Ki Arti


Lata Mangeshkar - Sumiran

The Bharat Ratna awardee said that her album has Sanskrit shlokas dedicated to Lord Shiva, Goddesses Durga and Saraswati, Lord Rama, Laxman and many others.

The music for the album has been composed by her brother Hridaynath Mangeshkar.


01. Karaagre Vasate Lakshmee
02. Samudravasane Devi
03. Vakratund Mahaakaay
04. Shaantakaaram Bhujagashayanam
05. Naagendrahaaraay
06. Sarvamangalmaangalye
07. Charitam Raghunaathasya
08. Raameti Raambhadreti
09. Ya Kundendu Tushaarhaardhavalaa
10. Mookam Karoti Vaachaalam
11. Krishaay Vaasudevaay
12. Vasudevsutam Devam
13. Gururbramhaa Gururvishnu
14. Shubhan Karoti Kalyaanam
15. Deepajyotihparabramha
16. Kastooreetilakam
17. Tvamev Mataa Cha Pitaa Tvamev
18. Kaayen Vaachaa
19. Bhaashaasu Mukhyaa
20. Vidyaa Naam Narasya
21. Asato Maa Sadgamaya
22. Om Poornamadah
23. Sarvetra Sukhinh Santu
24. Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih


Bhaktimala Ganesh Vol. 2


01. Jehi Sumirat Siddhi Hoi
02. Jai Shri Shankar Sut Ganesh
03. Jai Ganesh Gananath Dayanidhi [Stuti]
04. Shuklambardharam Vishnu Shashivarnam Chaturbhujam -Ganapat ... [Stotra]
05. Vande Ganapatim Isham [Stotra]
06. Siddh Bhajo Omkar Avadho
07. Ajam Nirvikalpam Nirakarmekam [Stotra]


Bhaktimala Krishna Vol 1

-= Tracklist =-

01. Chaturbhuj Jhoolat Shyam Hindore [Jamasuta, Bhajan]
02. Madhukar Shyam Hamare Chor [Surdas, Bhajan]
03. Chalo Ri Murali Suniye [Surdas, Bhajan]
04. Sun Surat Rangili [Charandas, Bhajan]
05. Madhurashtakam [Vallabhacharya, Stotra]
06. Mhari Surta Suhagan Nar [Meerabai, Bhajan]
07. Kaisi Hori Machaiyi Kanhaiyi [Brahmanand, Bhajan]
08. Sundar Badan, Sukh Sadan Shyam Ko [Surdas, Bhajan]
09. Ka Karoo Na Manri Ri


Shri Rameshbhai Ojha - Shiv Mala Vol 2

01. Shivtandavstotram
02. Shivashtakam
03. Shri Natraj Stuti
04. Shri Rudrashtakam
05. Vedsarshivstav
06. Nirvanshatakam
07. Shivoham Shivoham
08. Kshamapanam
09. Jay Shambho - Dhun



Pythagoras, the father of mathematics is also the father of esoteric numerology. He believed that there was an order to the universe and that number were more than a means of quantifying things.  His philosophies included the idea that each number had an esoteric meaning.

Esoteric numerology, then, is the art and science of understanding the spiritual significance and orderly progression of all things. Every word or name vibrates to a number and every number has an inner meaning. The letter and number code, when properly understood and applied, brings us into a direct and close relationship with the underlying intelligence and vibration of the universe.

Pythagoras taught that numbers operate on the spiritual plane. With a few exceptions, everything can be factored to a number from 1 through 9 and each of those numbers has an esoteric meaning. It also represents an interval in a cycle. Pythagoras saw in number patterns and geometrical ratios the explanations of all natural phenomena, musical harmony and tonal qualities. He knew that the stars and planets were vibrating entities that produced sound, which he called the harmony of the spheres.

The only times that life numbers are not coded to the lowest single digit is when that number is 11 or 22. Ordinarily, 11 would be factored to a 2. But the number 11 is what’s called a Master Number and is extraordinarily powerful in Numerology. There is, in fact, an entire cult built around the number 11, or more specifically, 1111. This is a number that refers to End Time, and is a fascinating study all by itself.

As an example, your birth-date provides the pattern which we call the Life Lesson. Your name given at birth, when transcribed into numbers with a code that has existed since Pythagoras’ day, can tell you the state of consciousness that you have achieved in this lifetime and indicate the record of the growth of your soul as well.

Your personal numbers are pieces of the puzzle that define your existence. When you delve into numerology, you also delve into the ancient sciences of astrology and tarot.

Traits of Cancer

Cancer is symbolized by the Crab, because the Crab was believed to carry his house on his back.  And, like their namesake, the home is very important to Cancer. 
Those born under this sign are heavily focused on home life.  Cancers are the domestic experts of the Zodiac, and would be the first to know how to fix an appliance or which drapes match the sofa.  Unfortunately, they also have a reputation as packrats, because they attach emotions to their belongings.  Every old photo becomes a cherished heirloom because of the memories that go with it.
Cancers are sensitive and caring.  Only Pisces comes close to the sensitivity of Cancer.  Crabs are the truest and closest companions, always coming to the aid of their friends, ready to bail them out at a moment’s notice.
The crab’s defense is to curl up behind his shell.  Cancers have a reputation for being tough and unfeeling because they keep their emotions hidden—for their own protection, of course.  They can be frustrated that people can’t see through that shell to the deeply caring person hidden behind it.  They tend to dress down, not attracting attention to themselves.
Cancers have a tendency to be worried, moody, or even depressed, but this can be lightened with water-based activities like fishing or sailing.  Because of their affinity for the home, many cancers enjoy fixer-upper hobbies, like adding an extension to the house.
Because they care about people, Cancers are most at home in a career where they can help people in some way.  Pushing papers or operating machinery will make for a very crabby Crab.  Cancers, with their innate skills at knowing what people need and feel, tend to make very good managers.  However, they tend to build on existing ideas, rather than creating their own, so they don’t make good entrepreneurs.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

माँ दुर्गा के नौ रूप

माँ दुर्गा के नौ रूप 
First day of Navratri 
 प्रथम नवरात्री 

Second Day of Navratri
 द्वितीय नवरात्री
Third Day of Navratri
 तृतीय नवरात्री
Fourth Day of Navratri
 चतुर्थी नवरात्री
Fifth Day of Navratri
 पंचमी नवरात्री
Sixth Day of Navratri
षष्टि   नवरात्री
Seventh Day of Navratri
 सप्तमी नवरात्री
Eighth Day of Navratri
 अष्टमी नवरात्री
Ninth Day of Navratri
 नवमी नवरात्री

माँ दुर्गा के विशेष मंत्र

माँ दुर्गा के विशेष मंत्र
इन मंत्रो के जप से आपकी मनोकामना पूर्ण होगी और विशेष सीधी भी प्राप्त होती है |
हर मंत्र का जप १०८ बार करना है  |
ॐ  देवी शैल्पुत्र्याई  नमः (मंत्र का जप १०८ बार)
   वन्दे  वांछित  लाभाय , चन्द्रर्ध्क्रित्शेखाराम  | वृशारुद्हम  शूल्धाराम  शैल्पुत्रीम  यशस्विनीम  ||
ॐ  देवी  ब्रह्म्चारिन्याई  नमः (मंत्र का जप १०८ बार)
   दधाना  कर  पदाभ्यामाक्ष्माला  कमंदालू  | देवी  प्रसीदति  मई  ब्रह्म्चारिन्यानुत्तामा ||
ॐ  देवी  चंद्रघंतायाई  नमः (मंत्र का जप १०८ बार)
   पिंडज  प्रवारुध  चंद्कोपस्त्र्कैर्युता  | प्रसादम  तनुते  माध्यम  चंद्रघंतेती  विश्रुता  ||
ॐ  देवी  कुश्मंदयाई  नमः
(मंत्र का जप १०८ बार)
   सुरासम्पूर्नाम  कलशं  रुधिराप्लुतामेव  च  | दह्दाना  हस्त्पद्माभ्याम  कुष्मांडा  शुभदास्तु  में  ||
५  ॐ  देवी  स्कंद्मातायाई  नमः
(मंत्र का जप १०८ बार)
   सिन्हासंगाताम  नित्यं    पद्मांचित  कर्द्वाया  | शुभदास्तु  सदा  देवी  स्कंदमाता  यशस्विनी  ||
ॐ  देवी  कत्यायांयाई  नमः
(मंत्र का जप १०८ बार)
   चंद्रहासोज्ज्वल  करा  शार्दूल्वार्वाहना  | कात्यायनी  शुभम  दद्याद  देवी  दानवघातिनी  ||
ॐ  देवी  कल्रात्र्याई  स्वः
(मंत्र का जप १०८ बार)
    एक्वेनी   जपकर्न्पूरा  नग्न  खरास्थिता  | लम्बोष्ठी   कर्णिका  करनी   तैलाभ्याक्त्शारीरिणी  ||

    वाम  पादोल्लासल्लोह्लाता  कन्ताक्भुशाना  | बर्धन  मूर्धं  ध्वजा  कृष्णा  कल्रात्रिभायांकारी  ||

८   ॐ  देवी  महागौर्याई  नमः  
(मंत्र का जप १०८ बार)
    श्वेते  वृशेसमारुधा  श्वेताम्बरधरा  शुचिः  | महागरी  शुभम  दाद्यान्महदेव  प्रोददा  ||
९  ॐ   देवी  सिद्धिदात्र्याई  नमः
(मंत्र का जप १०८ बार)
    सिद्ध  गन्धर्व  यक्श्द्येरासुरैरामारैरापी  | सेव्यमाना  सदभुयात  सिद्धिदा  सिद्धिदायिनी  ||

Monday, March 26, 2012

श्री पार्वती मां की आरती

जय पार्वती माता, मैया जय पार्वती माता,
ब्रह्म सनातन देवी, शुभ फल की दाता ।
ॐ जय ……

अरिकुल पद्म विनासनि, जय सेवक त्राता,
जग जीवन जगदंबा, हरिहर गुण गाता ।
ॐ जय ……

सिंह को वाहन साजे, कुण्डल है साथा,
देव वधू जहं गावत, नृत्य करत ता था ।
ॐ जय ……

सतयुग शील सुसुंदर, नाम सति कहलाता,
हेमांचल घर जन्मी, सखियन रंगराता ।
ॐ जय ……

शुंभ निशुंभ विदारे, हेमांचल स्याता,
सहस भुजा तनु धरिके, चक्र लियो हाथा ।
ॐ जय ……

सृष्टि रूप तू ही जननी, शिव संग रंगराता,
नंदी भृंगी बीन लही, सारा मदमाता ।
ॐ जय ……

देवन अरज करत हम, चित को लाता,
गावत दे दे ताली, मन में रंगराता ।
ॐ जय ……

श्री प्रताप आरती मैया की, जो कोई गाता,
सदा सुखी नित रहता, सुख संपति पाता ।
ॐ जय ……
Aarti of Goddess Parvathi Devi

Jai Parvati Mata, Maiya Jai Parvati Mata,
Brahm Sanatan Devi, Shubh Phal Ki Data.
Om Jai…

Arikul Padm Vinasani, Jai Sevak Trata,
Jag Jivan Jagdamba, Harihar Gun Gata
Om Jai…

Singh Ko Vahan Saje, Kundal Hai Satha
Dev Vadhū Jaha Gavat, Nritya Karat Ta Tha
Om Jai…

Satyug Shil Susundar, Nam Sati Kahlata
Hemanchal Ghar Janmi, Sakhiyan Rangrata
Om Jai…

Shumbh Nishumbh Vidare, Hemanchal Syata
Sahas Bhuja Tanu Dharike, Chakr Liyo Hatha
Om Jai…

Srishti Rup Tu Hi Janani, Shiv Sang Rangrata
Nandi Bhrangi Been Lahi, Sara Madmata
Om Jai…

Devan Araj Karat Ham, Chit Ko Lata.
Gavat De De Tali, Man Mein Rangrata
Om Jai…

Shri Pratap Arati Maiya Ki, Jo Koi Gata
Sada Sukhi Nit Rahta, Such Sampati Pata
Om Jai…

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Result of CTET 2012
is uploaded on

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Medicinal Uses of Sandalwood (Chandan)

  • Sandalwood home remedies for beauty care involve the application of a paste prepared from half teaspoon each of sandalwood powder and turmeric, water (enough to form a paste).
  • It helps reduce acne. Acne scars can be removed by regularly applying a mixture of sandalwood powder, coconut oil and lime juice (taken in equal parts). Leave the paste on skin overnight.    
  • When dealing with pimples, boils, or psoriasis, boil three cups of water mixed with a teaspoon of sandalwood powder. When the liquid reduces to half, mix some rose water and sugar in it. Drink this solution three times in a day.
  • Sandalwood benefits in getting rid of greasy skin when it is mixed with equal amounts of fuller’s earth and rose water. Leave the mask on face for about half an hour and then wash it off.   
  • Applying a combination of sandalwood powder and rose water serves as an easy natural cure for excessive sweating. This sandalwood remedy lightens skin color as well. Mixture of sandalwood, water, lemon, yogurt and rose water helps reduce blemishes.
  • Mix some plain water or rose water in sandalwood powder to for a paste. Take one teaspoon of this mixture and add a teaspoon of camphor (Kapoor) in it. Smear this paste on the affected areas to cure eczema.
  • Applying sandal paste mixed with crushed holy basil leaves (Tulsi) relieves headache. Dilute sandalwood oil applied on forehead can cure headaches caused by heat.
  • Add a tablespoon of rose water in three tablespoons of sandalwood powder. Apply this mixture on skin to reduce prickly heat problem.
  • Application of sandalwood paste mixed with a teaspoon of lime juice relieves skin irritation and allergy.

To remove all tans from Skin

Acording to The Hindu Facts - The use of potato juice is an effective home remedy to get rid of tan. Prepare raw potato juice and apply the juice on the affected areas. You may also add 1 tsp of lemon juice to 1 tsp of potato juice. Leave the application for 15 minutes.  Repeat this process daily till you get rid of the tan.

Scrub For tanned area

Acording to The hindu facts - Squeeze lemon juice in a cup, add some sugar and a few drops of glycerin to it. Use this to scrub the tanned area. Use you the tip of you fingers in a rhythmic and gentle  motion. This treatment will not only help you get rid of the tan but soften the skin as well. Mix 1/4 cup of lemon juice to 1/2 cup sugar. Use a loofah and scrub.

Almond and Sandalwood paste for skin tans

According to The hindu facts - A blend of almond and sandalwood paste is also helps get rid of tans. Sandalwood is known to soothe and lighten the skin.

Use of Cucumber and potato for skin glow

  • Apply half a grated cucumber with 2tsp of milk powder and a few drops of lemon juice. Keep on till dry and wash off. Milk is a natural oftener whereas cools and lightens your skin instantly.
  • Cucumbers are very good for curing blackheads and skin problems  like pimples.If applied and left for 15-20 minutes they act wonders.
  • Cucumber juice and potato juice may be mixed and applied just  under the eyes to get rid of the dark spots.
  • Not only that cucumber juice and milk may also brighten up dull  skin.

Importance of oat,papaya and Honey fro SKIN

According to The hindu facts - For Glowing Skin 
Mix 2 tsp of oatmeal or broken wheat (dalia)  in ½ cup mashed ripe papaya and 1tsp honey. Apply, scrub in slightly and wash of after 2 minutes.

Glowing Face

According to The hindu facts, FOR GLOWING FACE 
Add a pinch of turmeric (haldi) to chilled yoghurt and apply to face , neck and arms daily for 30 minutes before having  a bath.

Monday, February 20, 2012

कैसे करे शिव की आराधना

यदि आप फोटो की पूजा करते है तो एक चम्मच शहद लेकर शिव जी के अंगूठे से छुकर,  ॐ नमः शिवाये (108 बार ) का जाप करे

शिव जी के कुछ सरल व कारगर मंत्र -

  •  ऊर्ध्व भू फट् । (108 बार )
  • नमः शिवाय । (108 बार )
  • ॐ ह्रीं ह्रौं नमः शिवाय । (108 बार )
  • ॐ नमो भगवते दक्षिणामूर्त्तये मह्यं मेधा प्रयच्छ स्वाहा । (108 बार )
  • इं क्षं मं औं अं । (108 बार )
  • प्रौं ह्रीं ठः । (108 बार )
  • नमो नीलकण्ठाय । (108 बार )
  • ॐ पार्वतीपतये नमः ।(108 बार )
यदि कुछ भी न बोला जा सके तो सिर्फ शिव का धयान करते हुए "ॐ "(108 बार ) शव्द का उचारण  करे इस ॐ शव्द में पूरा संसार विद्यमान है


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